GLF Schools

GLF Schools

GLF Schools was founded in 2012 in order to enable the federation of Glyn School (an academy in 2011) and Danetree Junior School. Together, we began our journey to become a MAT of more than 1000 talented staff working with over 10,000 children in 40 schools across 5 regions in southern England.

Our Schools

Banbury Region

Banstead Region

Berkshire & Hampshire Region

Caterham Region

Crawley Region

Didcot Region

Epsom Region

London Boroughs

Redhill Region

Sunbury & Camberley Region

Attenborough (Year 5)

Sir David Attenbourgh Natural Curiosities

Attenborough (Year 5)

Class teacher: Miss Henshaw

Learning Assistants: Miss Tschernischow



Welcome to Year 5 and to Attenborough class! We are all so excited to get back to learning and hope your child is looking forward to the new term. As ever this term is a busy one, packed full of exciting learning. Within this curriculum newsletter there is some key information to help you support your child’s learning.  



Wednesday and Thursdays are our PE days this term. Please make sure that your child brings their PE kit to school on a Monday so that they have it for the week, while the weather is still fairly warm we have suggested taking it home again on a Friday.  

Indoor PE: Children will need shorts and a plain t-shirt in their house colour and suitable indoor footwear. 

Outdoor PE:  Children will need green jogging bottoms, a plain t-shirt in their house colour, a plain jumper and suitable outdoor footwear. 

Jewellery: A reminder that only stud earrings and wristwatches may be worn to school. Earrings must be removed or covered for PE. Children should not wear bracelets to school. 



We expect children to have daily opportunities to read to, or with, someone at home, as well as independently. Reading can include: books, newspapers, magazines, online reading, eBooks, reading tablets, information books, adverts, menus, poems, song lyrics – the list is endless. The important thing is that your child reads regularly (preferably daily!) and enjoys, and is engaged with, the reading!  



This term our STEAM focus is Maths, and we will be answering the question ‘can I create, carry out an experiment and present my data in a variety of different ways?’ and we will be presenting investigations showing properties of materials and working volcano models.  



This term our STEAM focus is Maths, and we will be answering the question ‘can I create, carry out an experiment and present my data in a variety of different ways?’ As our final product we will be presenting investigations showing properties of materials and working volcano models.  To achieve this we will be learning about the following:  

  • Compare and group materials by their properties  

  • Separating materials  

  • Dissolving materials  

  • Irreversible changes  

  • Explore the relationship between tectonic plates and geographical features 

  • Volcanoes and their features  

  • Create a prototype 

  • Test and evaluate a prototype 

  • Create a purposeful and functional final product 

  • Test and evaluate a product 


We will begin this term by looking at the composition and calculation of tenths, hundredths and thousandths.  

This will include: 

  • Identifying equivalent decimals and fractions values 

  • Comparing and ordering decimal values 

  • Rounding numbers to the nearest whole or decimals 

  • Solving calculations with decimal numbers 

This decimal knowledge will then lead into our next unit: addition and subtraction of money. 


Our first unit this term will be based around constructing a narrative based on a particular culture. During this, we will be focussing on the composition of a narrative and writing for the purpose of entertainment as well as developing an understanding of different cultures around the world and how to incorporate these into our creative writing. 


In computing, we will develop our understanding of computer systems and how information is transferred between systems and devices.  

The children will consider small-scale systems as well as large-scale systems; they will explain the input, output, and process aspects of a variety of different real-world systems.  

Then, we will take part in a collaborative online project with other class members and develop the skills of working together online. 

HRE (Health and Relationships) 

In HRE we will be looking at our Health and Wellbeing. Children will learn to: 


  • Recognise what does and does not constitute ‘balance’; how to ensure a balanced lifestyle 

  • Understand how regular (daily/weekly) exercise benefits mental and physical health. 

  • Recognise the symptoms of common mild and moderate illnesses. 

  • Identify wider public practices and responsibilities around limiting infection, including vaccinations. 

  • Recognise the impact of lifestyle choices on dental care. 

  • Identify how to keep safe from sun damage and sun/heat stroke and reduce the risk of skin cancer. 

  • Understand how and when to seek support, including which adults to speak to in and outside school, if they are worried about their health. 

  • Identify strategies and behaviours that support mental health 

  • Understand how to recognise and name different feelings. 

  • Recognise that feelings can change over time and range in intensity about everyday things that affect feelings.  

  • How to seek support for peers; how to recognise and seek support if they suspect an adult is struggling. 


Tag Rugby 

  • To throw and catch a ball and maintain possession. 

  • To perform an accurate backwards pass. 

  • To develop skills for attacking and defending. 

  • To develop and perform skills during a game situation. 


  • Apply dynamics to movements with consistency. 

  • To understand canon and unison. 

  • I can link movements together to create short sequences. 

  • work well with others to practice and rehearse. 

  • perform dances with increasing duration and complexity. 

  • evaluate mine and others work. 

MFL – French 

This term our topic in French is ‘all around town’. The children will learn to:  

  • Name some major cities of France 

  • Identify and say typical amenities to be found in French towns 

  • Say and order multiples of 10 

  • Ask and give a simple address in French 

  • Locate the correct part of a bilingual dictionary to translate from French-English or vice versa 


In our RE assemblies this term, we will be exploring the big question ‘Do you shape your own destiny?’.  


In our RE lessons in class, we will: 


  • Explain the five pillars of Islam 

  • Explain how the five pillars of Islam affect a Muslim’s life 

  • Explore how the 5 pillars of Islam impact how a Muslim might respond to global issues such as social justice 

Thank you for your continued support – we are looking forward to an exciting year ahead and partnering with you in your child’s learning and development.  


Miss Thompson 

Year 5 Teacher